Please help us help those in need.
Due to the situation facing Costa Rica and the world because of COVID-19, many people lost their jobs, and today many families are suffering from lack of food in their homes. Because of that, we would like to ask if you would consider to please help us to bring relief to these worried suffering families that are thinking about where their next meal will come from. You can help by giving what God puts in your heart; the idea of this campaign is to help at least 200 families in extreme need. We seek to raise $15 for every family in need. With $15, it is possible to buy at least one bag of rice, beans, and tuna that can last about 2 0 3 days.
Please join us, we need your help to provide for these children and families whose lives have been turned upside down.

Thank you for your help.

Our work is motivated by our faith in God, spreading His unconditional love.